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Poached Quail Egg with Sautéed Asparagus and Vellutata Bianca

Yield: 2 Servings

Sauté asparagus in butter and olive oil until golden. In a small pot, put a ¼ gallon of water, vinegar and a sprinkle of salt. Crack open the eggs very gently and place in 8 different bowls. When the water is simmering, place eggs one by one in the water and shift the whites with a spoon to cover the yolks. As the eggs cook, in less than a minute, gently remove them and place them in a cool water bath. Place the sautéed asparagus on a plate, top with the waffle spoon and place a poached egg in each spoon. Finish with a drizzle of olive oil and mâche for decoration. Add 2 tablespoons of Vellutata Bianca sauce in a pot, cook for 2 minutes and then spread on the eggs.

Original Recipe from Chef Massimiliano Convertini

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