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Disclaimers, copyright, accessibility and support


Some of the photos, images and textures used in this website are under the copyrights of third parties. To have a full and updated list of the images taken from third parties' sources, you can check this file: Images Source. You are free to use the articles you find here if you add a link to our website.


To improve the accessibility of the website we have used a Xhtml Strict layout, without any Javascript or Flash. We also have added a menu for every page in order to facilitate the browsing for both visuan and non-visual browsers. If you have any problem in using this website please report to this e-mail:
To protect myself from spam, I've written my e-mail address on an image. It's

Support: can't you open a file?

Some of the files in the website are in PDF format. If you can't see them just go to Adobe page and download them. Anyhow we try to provide files in different formats (PDF, Word, Open Office) so that everyone can see them. If you want the SiteMap, you can follow this link.


At the moment, we don't collect any information from this website. If you send us an e-mail, it will be downloaded from our mail server and stored in a safe place. We don't transfer your data to any third party.